NATO’un Askeri Komite Konferansı 17-19 Eylül’de Atina’da yapılacak.
NATO’nun en yüksek askeri otoritesi olan Askeri Komite, 17-19 Eylül 2021 tarihleri arasında Atina’da toplanacak.
Açıklandığı gibi, Yunanistan Genelkurmay Başkanı (GEETHA) General Konstantinos Floros’un ev sahipliğinde düzenlenecek olan NATO Askeri Komitesi konferansı, İttifak Savunma Şeflerine stratejik öneme sahip konuları bir araya getirme ve tartışma fırsatı sunuyor.
Daha spesifik olarak, NATO operasyonları, misyonları ve eylemleri, Savunma hükümleri ile “Avrupa-Atlantik Bölgesi’nin Caydırıcılığı ve Savunması” ve “NATO Üstün Savaş Metni” başlıklı iki yeni kurumsal yaklaşımın uygulanması masada olacak.
Konferansta ayrıca, “NATO 2030” girişiminin yanı sıra bunun sonucunda ortaya çıkan askeri sonuçları ve fırsatları tartışılacak.
Konferansa NATO Askeri Komitesi Başkanı Amiral Rob Bauer başkanlık edecek ve her toplantı Avrupa Müttefik Yüksek Komutanı General Tod Wolters (SACEUR) ve Müttefik Dönüşüm Yüksek Komutanı General André Lanata (SACT) tarafından desteklenecektir.
Konferansın resmi açılış töreni 17 Eylül Cuma günü 18:30’da Deniz Harp Okulu’nda yapılacak. 18 Eylül Cumartesi günü sabah saat 08:30’da Askeri Komite Savunma Komutanları düzeyinde, öğleden sonra 17:45’te toplanacak.
Son olarak Askeri Komite Başkanı Amiral Rob Bauer ve Yunanistan Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Konstantinos Floros ortak bir basın toplantısı düzenleyecek.
Media Opportunities
Friday 17 Sep 2021
18:30-19:30 | Official Welcome Ceremony (Hellenic Naval Academy). |
Saturday 18 Sep 2021
08:30-09:00 | Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session (Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel – Main Ballroom).
Opening remarks by the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer. Opening remarks by the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros. Opening remarks by the Greek Minister of Defence, Mr. |
17:45-18:15 | Joint press conference with the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer and the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros (Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel, Press Conference room). |
Followingeach event, photos, video and audio files will be made available on the NATO IMS webpage, as well as on the MC Conference event page. Please click here to access the event page.
Only accredited media will be eligible to attend the NATO Military Committee Conference in Athens, Greece. Requests for accreditation will be processed electronically. A completed accreditation form, photo (if possible) and copies of the required documents should be sent by e-mail to: Please use the following title in the subject of your e-mail: “Accreditation NATO MCC 2021”. Accreditation forms must be sent by Friday, 10th September 2021. Forms delivered after this date may be refused.
Passes must be worn visibly at all times, and security personnel may ask to see another form of ID at any time. We would like to inform media that security checks will be conducted separately prior to every media event. For this reason, media are expected to arrive at least an hour before the events.
COVID-19 Restrictions – Mitigation Measures – Vaccination Recommendation
In light of the Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19)*, careful monitoring of the situation and preventive measures are in place for the wellbeing and safety of all NATO staff and visitors.
* Noting the daily changing circumstances, we recommend that you review the updated information and guidance from a credible source, such as the World Health Organisation website, to identify affected regions:
Social Media
We will post the latest information and photos from the Conference on our official Twitter account:@NATO_PASCAD. The Chair of the NATO Military Committee will be using his own account @CMC_NATO.
Please use the hashtags #NATOCHoDs and #NATOMC when tweeting about the NATO Military Committee Conference.
Points of Contact at the Hellenic National Defence Staff for Public Affairs and Strategic Communications during the Military Committee Conference 2021:
Colonel Ioannis D. Sifakis
Office Tel : +30 210 657 1235 / +30 210 657 1044 / +30 210 657 1046
Mobile: +30 698 349 0601
Points of Contact for the Chair of the NATO Military Committee:
Ms Eleonora Russell, Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor to the Chair of the NATO Military Committee and the NATO International Military Staff
Tel: + 32 471 61 09 55
Lt Col Goetz Haffke, DeputyPublic Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor to the Chair of the NATO Military Committee and the NATO International Military Staff
Tel: + 32 490 58 06 47
For more background information about the NATO Military Committee click here.